Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Arkansas Library Funding Cut By $1 Million

The Arkansas Legislature reduced state funding for libraries in their last session by $1 mill- ion.  This means the library system in Ft. Smith will see a cut of $34,000.  According to Jen- nifer Goodson, Ft. Smith Library Director, they will experience a $17,000 reduction in the current budget, with the other $17,000 showing the first half of next year's.  This is due to the Ft. Smith Library follows a fiscal year of January - December, whereas the state follows the July - June fiscal year.

During a Board of Trustees meeting, Goodson stated services and materials will be impacted by the $34,000 loss.  There are reserve funds of $130,000 that the library is relying on to reach their budget.  There has been a 5-10% reduction in expenditures for such things as DVDs, books and magazines in an effort to help.  Also, several electronic resources and part- time hours have been cut.

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