The Ft. Smith Library is needing to bring in more revenue. One thing that the leaders are considering is to go from $35 to $40 for the annual nonresident library card fee. Residents of Ft. Smith are not charged a fee. The library staff is concerned that the increase will cause more unpleasant situations with nonresidents, than they already encounter. Jennifer Goodson, Library Director, wants to have further discussion with the board and staff regard- ing the fee.
Other considerations they are looking at doing is the possibility of implementing new fees and seeing what cost reductions they can do. The library is trying to not have to rely much at all in 2016 on reserve funds. $500,000 cash has been used from the reserves since the year 2010. 6% of the City's portion of a 1% Sebastian County sales tax funds the library. There's also a 1-mill tax on personal and real property they receive.
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